October 9 | 0 COMMENTS

Midwife receives a standing ovation at SPUC conference
Glasgow Catholic midwife Mary Duggan received a standing ovation at the annual SPUC Scotland conference on Saturday.
Delegates warmly received the midwife—one of two who fought a long legal battle against Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health board to avoid being forced into participating in abortions.
John Deighan of SPUC Scotland said it was the highlight of a fantastic event.
“It went really well,” he said. “Really good turnout, excellent speakers and we really covered a whole spectrum of issues.”
Mr Deighan singled out a presentation by on the recent roadshow that took young pro life activists around Scotland as being particularly inspiring.
“These young [people] got a really good response on the streets all over Scotland,” he said. “It was very positive. They were all trained before hand so they knew how to respond in a gentle, effective way to doctors and even women who had had abortions. Just really good to see young people out there making this case.”
Mr Deighan said the conference had also explored ‘the culture of death’ and the mindset that underpins it.
“Increasingly scientists can easily modify the embryo at single cell stage,” he said.
“That’s the latest challenge we are facing, that seems to be underpinned by eugenics, and destroying one person to create another.”
Pic: Paul McSherry