September 29 | 0 COMMENTS

Catholic families: Holiness is a sure route to happiness, says Archbishop Cushley
Major St Andrews and Edinburgh Archdiocesan conference on the family to take place in Edinburgh this Saturday (October 3)
Archbishop Leo Cushley of St Andrews and Edinburgh has called upon Catholic families to pursue holiness as a sure route to happiness.
The archbishop made his comments as he publicised a major Archdiocesan conference on the family that will take place in Edinburgh this Saturday (October 3) ahead of the opening of the synod on the family in Rome begining on Sunday.
“We need holy people who build holy families,” the archbishop said. “After all, the family is the bedrock of society. I therefore hope this conference will help our parishes to become communities that support and promote an authentically Catholic vision of marriage and the family as part of a coherent Gospel of Life.”
The all-day event, entitled The Vocation and Mission of Today’s Family, takes place at the Lauriston Jesuit Centre in Edinburgh. Issues addressed will include the importance of marriage preparation, family spirituality and the challenges facing parents in a sexualised culture.
Joining Archbishop Cushley to promote the conference were three generations of the Mulholland family from Edinburgh’s Morningside and they all enjoyed a moment of levity (above).
—For more information contact Jacqueline Heron at the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh at Jacqueline. [email protected] or on 0131 623 8903.