BY Daniel Harkins | August 28 | 0 COMMENTS

Racing against time to save St Paul’s Church
A priest is in a race against time to save his church from closure.
Fr Frank Hannigan is running in the Paisley 10k Race and Fun Run to raise funds to help keep St Paul’s Church in the town open.
He’s hoping to raise £5000 in sponsorship for completing the course, which will go towards the £30,000 the Paisley church needs by November to pay its annual running costs and guarantee it stays open next year.
St Paul’s Church—a landmark in the Foxbar housing scheme for generations—was opened in 1964, but a falling population and declining attendances has meant less money coming in.
Already, cost-savings have been made with Masses being held in the church hall during winter to save on the huge heating bills having to open the large main church building.
Fr Hannigan has praised the way parishioners have rallied round with their fundraising efforts to keep the church open. And now he’s doing his bit by pounding the streets of Foxbar as he trains for the Paisley 10k, on Sunday August 30.
“We have a shortfall of £30,000 this year and a lot of hard work has gone into raising this money by November,” Fr Hannigan said. “We are about two-thirds there and I can’t thank enough the people who have raised money for St Paul’s. I’m hoping I can get enough sponsors to help us reach our target.
“If we don’t raise the £30,000 by November, the church could close. So, along with lots of other good people I’m trying to save St Paul’s.
—This story ran in full in the Aug 28 edition print of the SCO, available in parishes.