BY Dan McGinty | August 7 | 0 COMMENTS

Vocations campaign to launch in Glasgow this autumn
A dynamic new vocations campaign will be launched in Glasgow this autumn, raising awareness among the city’s young Catholics of the great value of the priesthood and of the growing need for vocations in the archdiocese.
Led by Vocations Director Fr Ross Campbell—Catholic chaplain at Glasgow University —the new campaign, Do This In Memory Of Me, will prompt a fresh look at the vocation to the priesthood, and bring the stories of many of Glasgow’s priests to young Catholics in the city in an effort to ‘kick start’ the drive for vocations.
Launching this October with a Mass celebrated in St Andrew’s Cathedral by Archbishop Philip Tartaglia, the focal point of the campaign will be a video package produced for schools and parishes, sharing the experiences of Glasgow priests and why they think the priesthood is so important.
The unveiling of full scale film production, which will be made available through schools, parishes, youth groups and associations, as well as online—where it will be shared digitally through YouTube— ‘has been planned for months and months’ and has been described as a ‘serious campaign’ to get young Catholics to take a fresh look at the need for priestly vocations and to ‘seriously ask questions’ about whether they are being called to the priesthood.
The announcement of the campaign was made by RCAG Vocations, which outlined its aim.
“This autumn we will be launching a new vocations campaign Do This In Memory Of Me,” a spokesperson said. “Its aim will be to raise awareness of the need for priestly vocations in our archdiocese and to encourage the faithful to pray for and promote vocations across our parishes.”
The climax of the campaign will be a closing Mass celebrated on St Andrew’s Day—again by Archbishop Tartaglia in St Andrew’s Cathedral—and will reinforce to the wider Catholic population the need for prayers for vocations as well as the importance of supporting those who are called to the priesthood.
—This story ran in full in the August 7 edition print of the SCO, available in parishes.