June 4 | 0 COMMENTS

Scotland prepares to celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi
Devotions and procession planned to mark the he true mystery of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, SHONA MacPHERSON reports
This weekend Scotland’s archdioceses will begin celebrating the important feast of Corpus Christi with Catholics throughout the country.
In St Andrews and Edinburgh Archdiocese there will be devotions to honour the feast that celebrates the true mystery of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. As well as this, in both St Andrews and Edinburgh and Glasgow archdioceses processions will take place lead by Scotland’s archbishops.
During the course of the year, every parish in St Andrews and Edinburgh will have its opportunity to worship Christ in the Eucharist for three days. For 40 hours, the Holy Eucharist will be presented in a cherished casing called a Monstrance where the Faithful can come to pray in its presence. As a sign of adoration and affection, flowers and candles often encompass the Monstrance.
Fr Scott Deeley, parish priest of St Philomena’s in Winchburgh, West Lothian said: “We have 40 Hours Devotion on at the moment and so I know first-hand just what a lovely experience it is for a parish.
“The 40 Hours Devotion allows us an extended amount of time to be with Our Lord truly present in the Holy Eucharist— to talk to him about our life, our sorrows, our hopes, our fears and, really, just to be with him in the knowledge that he is the source of true happiness and deep peace.”
In The Catholic Directory 2015, St Andrews and Edinburgh yearbook, there is a list of 40 hours Devotion. The 40 Hours Devotions at St Philomena’s in Winchburgh came to an end with Holy Hour delivered by Fr Nick Welsh from St Mary’s Metropolitan Cathedral, Edinburgh.
According to Fr Deeley: “40 Hours devotion is a lovely experience for a parish—I’d encourage anybody who has the chance to attend, to go.”
Archbishop Leo Cushley of St Andrews and Edinburgh will be attending the Corpus Christi Procession taking place on this Sunday at 4pm at Holy Cross in Croy. Many First Holy Communicants will also be present to take part and Fr Joseph Sullivan is very much looking forward to the event.
Also on Sunday, in Glasgow there will be a West End Corpus Christi Procession (above) in celebration of St John Ogilvie, which The Scottish Catholic Observer reported on earlier in the year. Archbishop Phillip Tartaglia of Glasgow will lead the procession and everyone who is interested, Catholic or non Catholic, is invited to come along. The day will start with a Holy Mass celebrated by Archbishop Tartaglia at 11.30am, at Turnbull Hall, Glasgow University. After Mass, the procession will leave Turnbull Hall at 1pm and Holy Hour will begin at St Peter’s Church at 2pm. Afterwards, a small buffet will be available in the church hall.