BY Ian Dunn | May 7 | 0 COMMENTS

Priests to absolve sin of abortion during Jubilee of Mercy
Pro-life movement in Scotland welcomes new powers for ‘missionaries of mercy’ as part of healing process
Pope Francis has decreed that priests all over the world will be able to absolve women of the ‘sin of a procured abortion’—and also forgive the doctors who perform them—during the Jubilee Year of Mercy, a move welcomed by the pro-life movement in Scotland.
In Catholic teaching, normally only bishops or the Pope himself may absolve the Faithful of the sin of abortion, which otherwise leads to excommunication from the Church. In keeping with his ministry of mercy, however, the Pope has extended his powers of forgiveness to those ‘missionaries of mercy’ priests who will visit Catholic dioceses and parishes all over the world during the Holy year.
Archbishop Rino Fisichella, the president of the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelisation, further explained the development at the Vatican this week as he unveiled further details of the Jubilee year.
“The missionaries of mercy are priests sent out by the Holy Father at the beginning of Lent,” he said. The Pope is sending them out [to dioceses and parishes] as a tangible sign of how a priest should be a man of pardon, close to everyone…”
In the Papal Bull in which Pope Francis last month announced the Holy year of Mercy from December 8 2015 to November 20 2016, he stated he would transfer the ‘authority’ to pardon so-called ‘reserved’ sins, normally only forgiven by local bishops, the Holy See or the Pope himself. Archbishop Fisichella confirmed this week that these increased ‘powers’ could be applied to the sin of abortion. The archbishop added the absolution applied not only to those women who had procured an abortion but also to doctors and health workers who had performed it.
John Deighan, chief executive officer of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) Scotland, said it was very good news.
“A huge part of the problem with abortion is the damage it inflicts on people, so the healing process is very important and mercy is a huge part of that,” the pro-life activist said. “It’s very important for women to go through that process this could help them do that. Then can witness to what they’ve gone through and then hopefully help other women not make the same tragic mistake.”
The measure also offers hope for medical staff that have participated in abortion, including as those who now want to pursue Holy Orders.
— Year of Mercy Prayer, click here.