BY Martin Dunlop | November 12 | 1 COMMENT

Leadership call for Catholic primary schools
Conference aims to encourage and inspire teachers towards leadership in Catholic primary schools
The call to lead in Scotland’s Catholic primary schools will be the focus of a conference to be held at the end of the month.
Those who might aspire to leadership positions in Catholic primary schools are being asked to consider attending the conference, which is being organised in partnership between the Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) and CHAPS.
The conference, taking place at Celtic Park, Glasgow, on November 26, aims to encourage and inspire those teachers who might be considering applying for leadership positions in Catholic schools and will stress the great promise, rather than the impossibility, of leadership in Catholic schools.
The main contributors at the conference will be Bishop Philip Tartaglia, of Paisley, John McGuire, Phoenix Car Company, Fr John Bollen, from the school of education at Glasgow University, Michael McGrath, director of SCES and a number of headteachers from Catholic schools across Scotland.
The final call is being made for those who wish to attend the conference, or nominate a teacher to attend.
For further information on booking visit the SCES website: Or contact SCES by email on: [email protected] or telephone on 0141 556 4727.
I am writing this because I believe there should be no public funded religious schools in Scotland . No matter what your religion is there is plenty of time after school and weekends to practice whatever faith you wish . Segregation causes racism , bigotry and hatred . Say no to segregation in schools. .. All children should grew up equal and together without barriers .
This is Scotland’s shame …
Richard bovill