BY Daniel Harkins | January 9 | 0 COMMENTS

Pledges of support for the Gorsilaure Project
A charity that has helped hundreds of orphans in the Democratic Republic of Congo is to continue receiving funds despite its closure after generous Catholics vowed to continue funding the project.
The Gorsilaure Project had announced its imminent closure after 15 years due to illness amongst, and the advancing age of, the project’s volunteer workers. But after supporters contacted the charity to say they wished to continue funding it, the project administrators are now encouraging donations again with the aim of helping the project reach self-sufficiency.
Sr Margaret Rose Scullion founded the Gorsilaure Project in 2000, and it soon grew to a village for scores of children and their carers, a school for 2000 children and a hospital. The project also provides financial aid for farming, all with the support of Fr Simon, the local priest.
The project is named after three boys—Gordon, Simon and Laurence—who Sr Scullion knew from her time in the Congo.
Today, the project provides a home from 65 orphans and educates numerous children through university tuition and its primary and secondary school.
The project also focuses on self-sufficiency, and currently provides help with fish farming, animal farming and agriculture. A Gorsilaure shop enables the population to access some basic necessities at cheap prices while contributing a little to the charity’s income.
In the lead up to the closure of the project, a final appeal for funds was launched, and it has now raised a ‘substantial sum’ which will be sent to the Congo. Members of the project said they hoped that the funds would be sufficient to keep the Gorsilaure orphans alive, as well as giving urgent support to the project’s self-help initiatives for a further two years.
Sr Margaret said she was ‘completely bowled over by this wonderful and heart-warming turn of events.’
“The very survival of Gorsilaure’s vulnerable orphans requires ongoing support,” she said. “Gorsilaure, right from the start, has been inspired and empowered by God—and God does not abandon His creative and redemptive work half-way. From the bottom of our hearts Fr Simon, our orphans and I thank all of Gorsilaure’s supporters for their selfless and generous love-in-action and we assure them that they are remembered in our prayers.”
Fr Simon extended his deepest gratitude to everyone who had contributed to the fund and supported the destitute children—and adults—in his care.
— Pat McAuley, who had been one of the project’s contact persons, is appealing to the generosity of everyone who has ever contributed to Gorsilaure’s fundraising and encouraging others to join the action. Cheques should be made payable to THE GORSILAURE PROJECT and sent to Mrs Pat McAuley, 12 Bowling Green Road, Markinch, Glenrothes, KY7 6BD, Fife. Tel: 01592 757256Mobile: 07731 693225 Email: [email protected] If required, Pat can supply a form for setting up a Standing Order with your bank.