BY Ian Dunn | November 27 | 0 COMMENTS

Smith Commission recommends abortion be devolved to the Scottish Parliament
The Smith Commission into further devolution for Scotland has suggested abortion legislation should be devolved to the Scottish Parliament.
The Smith Commission report, agreed by representatives from all five parties with members at the Scottish Parliament, was published today and says ‘serious consideration’ should be given to the move.
“The parties are strongly of the view to recommend the devolution of abortion and regard it as an anomalous health reservation,” the report says. “They agree that further serious consideration should be given to its devolution and a process should be established immediately to consider the matter further.”
The commission also said the Scottish Parliament should have the power to set income tax rates and bands, that a share of VAT should be assigned to the parliament, and Air Passenger Duty fully devolved.
The commission was set up by Prime Minister David Cameron in the wake of the vote against Scottish independence. Its findings will form the basis of legislation on more Scottish powers.