October 31 | 0 COMMENTS

Little Sisters of the Poor run care home in Dundee could close in January 2015
By Clare Louise McKenna
ELDERLY residents of the Wellburn Care Home in Dundee have been left saddened by the possibility it could close in January 2015.
The Little Sisters of the Poor who operate the care home recently announced they are to leave Dundee in the New Year.
Sr Joseph, the Provincial of the order, said: “This has been a very painful decision for us, but due to a decrease in the number of Vocations to the Congregation and the age of the sisters, they now feel that they are unable to continue their mission here.”
The care home is currently working with social services to find a new operator to keep it open. Most of the residents are from the Dundee and Fife area and so it is hoped that they would be relocated near by if it does close.
The number of nuns in the order has dropped by half in the last ten years. There are only eight nuns left in Dundee, of whom only two are under the age of 70.
Sr Joseph added: “The Little Sisters have been in Dundee since 1863 and last year celebrated 150 years of service to the elderly in the city, in the footsteps of their foundress Sr Jeanne Jugan.”
The nuns continue to ensure that the care of their residents remains vital during ongoing negotiations in securing a new operator for the facility.
Sr Joseph stressed that she ‘cannot thank the people of Dundee and the staff at the care home enough. They have been wonderful and shown an incredible amount of support at this time.’
Bishop Stephen Robson expressed his regret at the news.
“While I am saddened by the decision, I understand completely the challenges which the sisters face and sympathise with the circumstances they find themselves in,” he said. “I have always had and continue to have the highest regard for the Little Sisters of the Poor and the work that they do.
“I share their hope that the Wellburn Care Home will continue to provide much needed care to some of the most vulnerable elderly people in our community.”
Dundee City Council remain hopeful that the care home will not close and confirmed that talks regarding the facility will be underway as soon as possible.
Lochee councillor, Tom Ferguson, referred to the Little Sisters as ‘absolute treasures within the community’ and stated that: “We still have to arrange meetings to decide where to go from here. Obviously we will be looking into continuing the ongoing care at the home. The Church and lawyers will also have to be involved in a discussion about the situation, but hopefully with a bit of innovation, we will be able to do all that we can in making this possible.”
Mr Ferguson added that ‘the sisters will leave a legacy and, whatever happens, their work and commitment.’
—Read the full version of this story in October 17 edition of the SCO in parishes from Friday.