BY Martin Dunlop | November 5 | 1 COMMENT

SPRED silver jubilee ends with Mass
Archbishop Mario Conti celebrates Glasgow chapter’s anniverary at Provanmill parish November 5 2010
A celebration of Mass at St Philomena’s Church, Provanmill, last Friday provided a fitting end to Glasgow SPRED’s (Special Religious Development) year of celebrations marking its silver jubilee.
Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow celebrated Mass alongside clergy from across the archdiocese representing SPRED parishes, including St Philomena’s parish priest Fr John McAuley.
SPRED’s mission includes the forming of small communities of faith in parishes to welcome children and adults with learning disabilities and to provide an appropriate method of catechesis and Archbishop Conti spoke of the ‘uplifting experience’ of celebrating the organisation’s special jubilee.
“As has happened before when celebrating Mass for SPRED I found the whole occasion immensely uplifting,” he said.
“I know I speak for many people in saluting the work and dedication of the SPRED volunteers who make such a difference to the lives of those they work with.”
SPRED has been operating in Glasgow parishes since 1985 and to celebrate 25 years of its work a year of celebrations and fundraising was organised.
Sr Agnes Nelson, Glasgow SPRED’s director, spoke of her joy following Sunday’s Mass, which was attended by representatives of SPRED’s 28 groups across the city as well as representatives from four other dioceses in Scotland.
“It was a wonderful celebration of our 25 years,” Sr Agnes said of the thanksgiving Mass. “The liturgy was wonderful and the congregation were very involved. What touched me most was the prayerful silence which was perfectly observed.”
In his homily Archbishop Conti took the message of the Gospel, ‘you are my friends, rejoice and be glad,’ and delivered it to the congregation.
“He delivered this message very well and everyone was very touched by his words,” Sr Agnes said.
The parish is at the heart of the SPRED message and Sr Agnes stated that this was evident during Friday’s celebrations as parents, catechists, SPRED drivers and directors joined parishioners and clergy to mark the jubilee.
“SPRED is a community, parish based programme and has that wonderful sense of belonging,” she said.
“Fr McAuley read a lovely vote of thanks expressing his gratitude at having SPRED in the parish and how his parish has been enriched by it.”
Prior to last Friday’s Mass a number of silver jubilee events had been held over the past year by Glasgow SPRED including an open day, with other denominations, at Glasgow’s St Mungo’s Museum and a visit to the SPRED catechists by Fr Daniel O’Leary, who has written a number of books.
Pics: Paul McSherry