BY Ian Dunn | August 22 | 0 COMMENTS

Iraq appeal to Glasgow, the world
Archbishop Tartaglia makes appeal to archdiocese, world leaders
Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow has urged world leaders to act to save the suffering Christians of Iraq and asked Catholics across his archdiocese to pray for their survival.
Archbishop Tartaglia has joined the presidents of the 33 Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of Europe in signing a letter calling call on the international community to take urgent ‘decisions to put an end to the atrocious actions against Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq.’
He also wrote to all parishes asking for special prayers to be said for peace in Iraq and throughout the world at Masses last weekend.
“We have all watched with grave concern the developing situation in Northern Iraq,” the archbishop told his flock. “In response to the Holy Father’s request, I urge you to pray for peace in Iraq and throughout the world.”
As one of the 33 signatories to the letter sent by Europe’s Catholic bishops to the UN security council, Archbishop Tartaglia urged world leaders to take action to save the Christians of Iraq.
The bishops’ conference presidents say it is urgent to undertake concrete humanitarian steps to respond to the desperate situation of Iraqi Christians and state that ‘in this case, too, the international community may be able to respond with rapid assistance to the many refugees and guarantee their security in returning to their cities and homes.’
—Read the full version of this story in August 22 edition of the SCO in parishes from Friday.