BY Daniel Harkins | June 19 | 0 COMMENTS

New website launched for Faithful young Catholics
The Faith Movement site attempts to answer some of the big questions around young people and their Faith
The Faith Movement this week launched an interactive website aimed at giving young Catholics the ability to evangelise their peers at school, college and university.
Founded in 1972, the Faith Movement aims to offer the Church and the world a new insight into the Catholic faith based upon a fusion of contemporary science and divine revelation. The hope of the movement is to bring others to ‘appreciate the coherence of the Catholic faith and to become enthusiastic members of the Church.’
After much consultation with young people across the British Isles and beyond, the new site attempts to answer some of the big questions that emerged from conversations with the youngsters.
The site also highlights the various apostolates of the Faith Movement including its magazine, youth conferences and theological seminars.
“Given it’s available on your tablet or Smartphone, it’s like having a little Saint Paul in your palm” said Matthew O’Gorman, a Rome-based seminarian for Southwark Archdiocese and one of the many young people who helped shape the new website. “It’s what young people need and it’ll help them realise that Jesus Christ and his Church is what they’re looking for in their hearts.
“Without the Faith Movement I wouldn’t be in seminary. When I was fourteen I needed to be convinced before being converted and that is exactly what Faith do. They give a clear message about how believing in God makes sense; it’s not crazy being Catholic,” concluded Matthew.
“The website will really help when friends ask ‘why do you go to church on Sunday?’ so that you can now give really good reasons,” Vanessa Reith, a student at Edinburgh University who also helped shape the site, said. “I find Faith is a place I can ask questions and not be frustrated by the answer. There’s no fear of the truth and that’s attractive.”
Bishop Mark Davies of Shrewsbury, who features in the website’s introductory video, said he believes the ‘Church in our country owes a special debt to the Faith Movement for its work of formation and I hope and pray that this work will continue for generations to come.’
—Visit the Faith website at