June 11 | 0 COMMENTS

Change a life this Father’s Day
Honour your Dad and help someone else's in the developing world this Sunday with SCIAF's Real Gifts
The Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) is inviting people to celebrate Father’s Day with a gift that can help to change someone’s life forever.
SCIAF’s range of ethical Real Gifts can also bring a smile to your dad’s face on your Father’s Day this Sunday, with the real gift of a goat or a toilet, as well as a help plant an allotment, start a farming revolution or safe water for five families options.
With the money given, SCIAF provides the chosen gift or a similar one to a person or family in need in one of their projects in Africa, Asia or Latin America. Donors can receive an e-card immediately via email or it can be sent directly to the lucky recipient’s email, or they can receive a gift card and fridge magnet by post, both showing a picture of theirchosen gift.
These gifts change lives. By choosing the Real Gift of a toilet, SCIAF supportsreswill be giving tools and training to someone in Uganda so they can build their own toilet. As well as choosing a gift which brings happiness to your dad on Father’s Day, you’ll be helping a family reduce their risk of getting deadly diseases like cholera and typhoid as well as having much better health generally.
There are many other gifts to choose from including school books, chickens, essential medicines, send a child to school or shelter for a family for people affected by emergencies like the Philippines typhoon.
“It can sometimes be difficult to know what to get for your dad for Father’s Day,” Ann Ward, SCIAF’s fundraising and education manager, said, “That’s why we’re offering our real gifts as they can make lovely presents and really help poor people to work their way out of poverty. We might take toilets, healthcare and shelter for granted, but for many people in poor countries these are a luxury they can’t afford. We can all do something to change that.”
—You can buy the gifts and view the full range online at www.sciaf.org.uk/realgifts or call for a free catalogue on 0141 354 5555.