May 16 | 0 COMMENTS

What’s On
A weekly guide to upcoming Church events May 16 -May 23
– Book sale held by Third World Group in St Bride’s, East Kilbride.
– One Way Day—Glasgow Catholic Youth Festival. One Way Day is a festival of Faith for young people in S3 and above based on Jesus’ words “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” Which way? What is truth? How do I live the life? – Come and see! Mass, catechesis, music, workshops, reconciliation, prayer, all presented by the Youth Pastoral Team and NET ministries. 10 am – 7pm in the Eyre Hall (next to St Andrew’s Cathedral).
Tickets are free but you must register at
Sunday MAY 18
– Legion of Mary Bus Trip. Bus trip organised by Legion of Mary to Schoenstatt Campsie Glen for May Day Celebration, with Mass. The bus will leave from the bus stop across from St Bride’s Church East Kilbride at 11am. Bring a packed lunch.
Monday May 19
– Ground the Drones talk. Chris Cole, founder of Drone Wars UK, will speak on the issue of drones strikes. St Augustine’s Church in Coatbridge, at 7.30 pm. All welcome at the meeting.
Tuesday May 20
– ACN Witness and Faith event. Witness and Faith event led by Aid to the Church in Need. The theme is A Prayer for Peace. The local high school, Queen Margaret Academy, and the local primary school will participate in the Mass.There will be a Pray for Peace procession and Neville Kyrke-Smith will give a talk in the hall afterwards.
The Mass is celebrated in honour of Our Lady of Fatima, ACN patron. 7pm in St Paul’s, Ayr.
Thursday May 22
– A Key Note Conversation with Rev James Clarke SJ. 7-9pm. The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. An opportunity for all those who are engaged in service in their parish communities to be given some spiritual input for themselves. Fr Jim Clarke, director of Spiritual Formation and assistant professor of Spirituality at St John’s Seminary in California, is a well-known retreat giver and spiritual guide who has been touring the UK. Invitation open to all both within and outwith St Andrews and Edinburgh Archdiocese. Please register by contacting Patricia Carroll at [email protected] or on 0131 623 8942.
– Charity Bingo and Disco Night. Event in aid of MacMillan and Marie Curie Nurses. Mayo Suite. St Patrick’s Hall, Coatbridge. Doors open at 7pm. Tickets £2, including tea and coffee. Contact Margaret McPhail 07512284884.
– Ozanam Club 25th Anniversary Mass 7pm, St Francis Xavier’s Parish Church, Carfin. Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Ozanam Clubs are celebrating Holy Mass to mark the Silver Jubilee of the formation of the first Ozanam Club in Viewpark in 1989. The Ozanam Clubs are organised to provide a social outlet for adults and children with learning difficulties and their families. There are three Ozanam Clubs in Motherwell Diocese in one Paisley Diocese
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