BY Ian Dunn | May 14 | 0 COMMENTS

Papal grief for lost souls in Turkish mining disaster
At his general audience this morning, Pope Francis made an emotional appeal for prayer for the miners who lost their lives in a disaster in Turkey yesterday.
“Dear brothers and sisters, I invite you to pray for the miners who died in the mine yesterday in Soma, Turkey, and for those who are still trapped in the tunnels,” the Holy Father (above) said. “May the Lord receive the deceased in His house and give comfort to their families.”
At the time of the audience, more than 200 miners were confirmed dead, with several hundred more believed to be trapped in the mines. Rescue workers pumped oxygen into the mine to try to keep those trapped by the blaze alive, as thousands of family members and co-workers gathered outside the town’s hospital.
An explosion in the mines led to a fire that was still burning underground, hampering rescue operations and denting hopes of finding more survivors.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived at the mine after announcing three days of mourning for what will be Turkey’s most deadly mining disaster. However, protesters angry at the disaster took to the streets of Istanbul and Ankara on today.