BY Ian Dunn | May 8 | 0 COMMENTS

Reports increase of Pope Paul VI’s Beatification
Pope Paul VI will be Beatified later this year, an increasing number of reports have suggested.
The late Pope’s Beatification, a step closer to sainthood, is expected to take place on October, according to widespread reporting based on an Italian source last month.
The reported miracle that set his Beatification in motion involves a child born in California in the 1990s. The mother’s pregnancy was reportedly compromised, and doctors advised her to terminate. Instead she reached out to an Italian nun who prayed to Pope Paul VI on the woman’s behalf. The woman then delivered a healthy baby, and in 1993 Pope Paul VI’s (above) Canonisation case was opened.
In December 2012, Pope Benedict XVI initiated an investigation that could lead to Pope Paul’s Canonisation. The, in February 2013, the Medical Commission of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints recognised the child’s healing through Pope Paul’s intercession.
This put Paul VI one step closer to Beatification, though Pope Francis must officially approve the decision and confirm the date for the ceremony.
Born Giovanni Battista Montini in 1897 in the northern Italian province of Brescia, Pope Paul VI is probably best remembered for seeing the Second Vatican Council through to its end and helping implement its far-reaching reforms. He was elected in 1963 after the death of St John XXIII and died August 6, 1978.