April 18 | 0 COMMENTS

What’s On
A weekly guide to upcoming events in the Catholic community: April 18-25
Monday April 21
-St Lucy’s Pro-Life Group Rosary Join this well established and fast-growing pro-life group in a beautiful devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe to pray for the unborn and all affected by abortion. 7.15pm in St Lucy’s, Hornbeam Road, Cumbernauld, G67 4NG. All welcome.
TUESDAY April 22
-Eat, Pray, Breathe. A quiet half hour each Tuesday to pause, reflect and pray supported by gentle meditative music and some inspirational words of poetry/Scripture. 1-1.30pm each Tuesday (except July and August) in the Ignatian Spirituality Centre, Garnethill, Glasgow.
Friday April 25
-Gourmet Night. Italian Gourmet Night in aid of the Organ Fund. Tickets £10. 7pm, Sacred Heart, Laurieston, Edinburgh.
– An Evening of Irish Music and Dance. Fundraising evening in aid of St Margaret of Scotland Hospice. Roger Clifford invites you to enjoy and evening of Irish culture, with music from Quigley’s Point and dancing from talented Irish dancers. St Stephen’s Church Hall, 8-11.30pm. Tickets £7 (£3 concession). Contact St Margaret of Scotland Hospice fundraising department on 0141 435 7018 or Roger Clifford on 07855890152.
-Easter dance with music from Sharon Stevens, as part of fundraising activities forchurch equipment. BYOB. Tickets £8 from Terry McKee on 0141 563 4026 or Pat McBride on 0141 772 1250. Prizes for raffle gratefully received. 7.30-11.30pm, St Matthew’s church hall, Bishopbriggs.
– Eucharistic and Divine Mercy Retreat at Craig Lodge. Join a weekend of Adoration of the Eucharist. There will also be opportunities for Confession and a healing service. Apri 25-27. T: 01838 200216 E: mail@craiglodge. Org
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