April 18 | 0 COMMENTS

New Paisley bishop chooses parish over bishop’s house
The new Bishop of Paisley has opted not to move into the diocesan bishop’s house, instead choosing to live in a parish house in a less affluent part of the diocese.
Bishop John Keenan of Paisley said he wanted to ‘be close to the people of our times.’
In an interview with the Herald newspaper, Bishop Keenan echoed Pope Francis’ concerns that the poor have been ‘abandoned by society and the Church,’ and said he wanted to reflect ‘a Church out on the street, not one that’s comfortable in the chapel.’
“I’ve just come from living in a university chaplaincy with a dozen students so I’ve been living surrounded with the buzz of life and fun,” Bishop Keenan said. “When I was thinking about becoming a bishop I was keen to take as much of that into my new life, finding people who could form a family with me and support me. Priests in Paisley found me a place in St Laurence’s, Greenock.”
The new bishop said the vibrancy of the parish was very appealing to him.
“I am living with the parish priest, Fr Gerry McNellis, lots of parishioners come in and out of the house and it has the sound of laughter that makes me feel at home,” he said. “I celebrate the parish Mass and am getting to know the people and that’s perfect for me.”
Bishop Keenan said that he wanted to minister to his diocese as Pope Francis was ministering to the Church.
—This story ran in full in the April 18 edition print of the SCO, available in parishes.