April 1 | 0 COMMENTS

Noon deadline on Lenten promises
Don't miss your chance to keep Sundays in Lent as days of celebration not sacrifice
Catholics wishing to loosen their Lenten promises each Sunday until this Easter have until 12 noon today to petition the Vatican in order to do so.
The Sunday tradition of not adhering strictly to the restrictions the Faithful put upon themselves during Lent predates the Second Vatican Council and the Council of Trent but the loophole may be lost if insufficent numbers of requests are received by Rome.
Sunday, a day of obligation to go to Mass, is seen as a day of celebration and therefore the Sundays of Lent are not observed as days of sacrifice by some in the Catholic community. In keeping this Sunday tradition, the days of Lent are reduced to 40.
Pope Francis, who recently had his first anniversary as Pontiff, is reforming the way the Vatican and the Church operates and has been applauded for doing so. It is feared that today’s noon deadline, however, does not give enough time and Sundays will, by default, once again become part of Catholics’ Lenten obligations.
—Email: [email protected]