BY Daniel Harkins | March 14 | 0 COMMENTS

Academy of Sacred Music brings special workshops to St Peter’s, Glasgow
A weekend of music and song will be held by the charity in preparation for St Patrick’s Day
The members of Academy of Sacred Music will be participating in a series of workshops this weekend in St Peter’s Church, Partick, Glasgow.
The workshops will focus on 15th century Irish plainchant with modern versions of the Psalms in English in preparation for St Patrick’s Day, and will include celebration of Vespers (Evening Prayer) for the Vigil Feast of St Patrick.
The weekend is being led by Alan and Rebecca Tavener of Cappella Nova and will feature some of the best musicians and singers of early music in Scotland.
The first event will take place on tomorrow, with 10am registration for 10.30am start, with the day finishing at 17.30. There will be plenty of tea breaks and lunch in between. The Sunday March 16 events will run from 1:30pm to 6pm concluding with Service of Vespers at 6pm in the church.
The event is open to all but registration in advance is required. Call 0141 552 0634, or visit