March 5 | 0 COMMENTS

Pope speaks out on marriage, family and abuse
Holy Father opens up in frank interview about Pope Emeritus Benedict; marriage and contraception, women in the Church—and says he is not ‘Superman' and would not rule out retirement
One year in as Pontiff, the Holy Father has not ruled out retiring from his Pontificate.
“Benedict (right at consistory) is the first, and maybe there will be others, we don’t know,” the Pope Francis has said in a frank interview with an Italian daily.
The Holy Father praised the gradual re-emergence of Pope Emeritus Benedict (with right praying with him), who was the first pontiff to retire in 600 years. Pope Franis said that retired Popes should have an active role similar to retired bishops, who often continue to represent the Church after they retire at 75.
Pope Francisalso warned his many admirers against creating ‘a certain mythology’ around him.
“Portraying the Pope as a kind of Superman, a type of star, seems offensive,” he said. “The Pope is a man who laughs, cries, sleeps tranquilly and has friends like everyone. A normal person.”
During the interview, the Holy Father also strongly defended the Church’s handling of the clergy abuse crisis.
“No-one else has done more,” he said. “Yet the Church is the only one to have been attacked. The statistics on the phenomenon of violence against children are shocking, but they also clearly show that the great majority of abuses are carried out in family or neighbourhood environments.”
Pope Francis also suggested that Church’s stance on contraception was open to ‘interpretation,’ although he ruled out a major change in doctrine.
While he did not back allowing women to become priests, he said that ‘many female experts in various sectors’ were helping advise the Church on how to give women a greater role.
He also admitted that the controversial question of whether divorced and remarried couples should be able to receive Communion was fuelling a fierce debate within the Vatican.