BY Ian Dunn | March 4 | 0 COMMENTS

Ash Wednesday Christian witness against war
A prayer vigil at Faslane Naval base is among a number of Christian events planned for Ash Wednesday to oppose war and nuclear weapons.
As Christians in Scotland gather tomorrow at the Faslane Naval Base, where Trident is stationed, acts of Christian witness against nuclear and conventional war preparations will also take place in London and Liverpool.
For 32 years, Christians have gathered at the Ministry of Defence in London on Ash Wednesday to call on the government to repent and move away from nuclear war preparations. This year, part of their message will be a call for the cancellation of Trident, the UK’s independent nuclear deterrent.
In Liverpool, the Pax Christi group will hold a public act of repentance for the impact of the use of armed drones around the globe. Liverpool University is one of a number engaged in drone research and development funded by arms manufacturers, including BAE Systems, a major player in the global arms trade.
“I make my own the appeal of my predecessors for the non-proliferation of arms and for disarmament of all parties, beginning with nuclear and chemical weapons disarmament,” Pope Francis said in his World Peace Day message earlier this year.
Pic: Bishop Joseph Toal or Argyll and the Isles (right) at the Faslane peace vigil in 2012