BY Ian Dunn | February 10 | 0 COMMENTS

Bishop’s patronage is music to group’s ears
Bishop Hugh Gilbert of Aberdeen, the new president of the Liturgy Commission of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, has become the patron of Musica Sacra Scotland.
Musica Sacra Scotland is an independent advisory organisation on music in the Liturgy and aims to help with Church music throughout Scotland.
Bishop Gilbert (above) was named as the president of the Liturgy Commission of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland at the last Bishop’s Conference meeting. The bishop has great experience on the matter of Liturgy and chant through his previous role as Abbot of Pluscarden where the traditional song of the Church is central to the prayers of the monastic community.
The aim of Musica Sacra Scotland is to spread the experience of the sacred sung prayer of the Church throughout the parishes of Scotland, with specific care for congregational participation.
The organisation hosted an inaugural National Music Day and Conference in November last year and is hosting a weekend’s activity on March 15 and 16 in St Peter’s Church, Partick, Glasgow, on Celebrating Our Celtic Saints. The event culminate in Solemn Vespers on the Sunday evening. Plans are underway for similar events in Aberdeen and Galloway dioceses.