February 7 | 0 COMMENTS

Pope says the Church without the religious life is unimaginable
By Stephen Reilly
Pope Francis believes that those in religious orders are, and always will be, a vital part of the life of the Church.
“Every consecrated person is a gift for the People of God on a journey,” the Holy Father said during his Angelus last Sunday. “There is much need of their presence, that strengthens and renews the commitment to spread the Gospel, to Christian education, to charity for the most needy, to contemplative prayer; the commitment to a human and spiritual formation of young people, of families; the commitment to justice and peace in the human family.”
Noting that last Sunday was the World Day for Consecrated Life, the Pope added that, ‘consecrated persons are signs of God in diverse environments of life, they are leaven for the growth of a more just and fraternal society, prophecy of sharing with the little and the poor. As such understanding and experience, the consecrated life appears to us just as it really is: a gift of God!’
Departing from his prepared remarks, Pope Francis exclaimed that a Church without nuns was unimaginable.
“What would happen if there were no sisters?” he said,
“Sisters in the hospitals, sisters in the missions, sisters in the schools… one can’t imagine it!
“They are the leaven that carry the people of God forward!
“The Church and the world have need of this testimony of the love and mercy of God.”
Those who live a religious life in imitation of Christ’s own poverty, chastity, and obedience, offer ‘a special witness to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God,’ according to Pope Francis. Although all Christians are consecrated to God in Baptism and all are called to make ‘a generous gift of our lives, in the family, at work, in service to the Church, (and) in works of mercy,’ those in religious life experience this consecration ‘in a particular way,’ he said.
“Totally consecrated to God, they are totally given over to their brethren, to carry the light of Christ there where the darkness is thickest and to spread his hope to hearts who are discouraged,” the Pope added.
Pope Francis reminded those gathered that the year 2015 will be dedicated in a special way to religious life, so that the Church can benefit from a greater knowledge and presence of consecrated men and women.
The Holy Father asked for prayers for this initiative.
“It is necessary to value with gratitude the experience of consecrated life and deepen the knowledge of different charisms and spiritualities,” he said.
“We must pray, so that many young people respond ‘yes’ to the Lord who calls them to consecrate themselves wholly to Him for disinterested service to their brethren.”