BY Bridget Orr | December 16 | 0 COMMENTS

Pope celebrates joy within the life of the Church
Pope Francis yesterday reminded Catholics of the importance of joy within the life of the Church.
During his Angelus at St Peter’s Square, the Holy Father explained the significance of the Third Sunday of Advent also known as ‘Gaudete Sunday.’
“In the liturgy, the invitation to rejoice, to arise, resounds repeatedly, because the Lord is near, Christmas is nea,.” the Pope said.
“The Christian message is called the ‘Gospel,’ that is, ‘the good news,’ an announcement of joy for all people.”
Given the Pope’s message that the Church is not a ‘refuge for sad people,’ he also told the audience to share in the ‘joys’ of the Gospel by remaining faithful to its message and praying for those in difficulty.
“Those who have met Jesus along the way have experienced a joy that nothing and no one can take away,” the Pope said.
“When a Christian becomes sad, it means that he has distanced himself from Jesus. We must pray for him, and make him feel the warmth of the community.”
During the Gaudete Sunday Angelus, the Pope gave a special greeting to the children Rome participating in ‘Bambinelli Sunday,’ which sees children from across Italy bringing the Baby Jesus figures (above) from their family’s Nativity sets to St Peter’s Square in order to be blessed by the Pope.
“Dear children,” the Pope said. “When you pray before your Nativity scenes, remember me too, as I remember you.”
“Thank you, and happy Christmas!”