October 25 | 0 COMMENTS

Vatican pro-secretary of state leaves hospital
The Vatican's new Secretary of State is out of hospital after a ten day stay. It is expected to be some time before he can take on the responsibilities of his new role.
The Vatican has not revealed what was wrong with Archbishop Pietro Parolin, 58, although it has been reported as liver-related. The Vatican has confirmed that he had unexpected surgery and missed the October 15 ceremony at which he was to take up his duties as the Vatican’s ‘number two.’
Fr Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, confirmed that he spoke with the 58-year-old archbishop (above) today and that the surgery had gone well. He added that the Italian prelate would take some time to recover at home in Italy’s Veneto region.
Pope Francis named Vatican diplomat Archbishop Parolin as pro-secretary of state on August 31 2013. The archbishop, who was recently Apostolic nuncio in Venezuela, replaces Cardinal Bertone in the role.
Archbishop Parolin is expected to be elevated to the cardinalate at the next consistory, due to the seniority the secretary of state position normally entails.