BY Martin Dunlop | September 25 | 0 COMMENTS

Unity, peace and reconciliation of the whole human family
Pope Francis speaks at his general audience of God’s plan for unity
The Church must model God’s plan for unity, Pope Francis said at his general audience at the Vatican this morning.
Speaking to tens of thousands of pilgrims and visitors gathered at St Peter’s Square, the Pope said that Christians must bear witness to God’s plan for the unity, peace and reconciliation of the whole human family.
The Holy Father reminded us that when we pray the Creed, we confess that the Church is ‘one.’
“When we consider the rich diversity of languages, cultures and peoples present in the Church throughout the world, we realise that this unity is a God-given gift, grounded in our common Baptism and our sharing in the Church’s one faith and sacramental life,” he said. “Like a great family, we are united to all our brothers and sisters in Christ, wherever they may be. We might ask ourselves how much we appreciate and express in our daily lives, and particularly in our prayer, this reality of our unity and solidarity in the communion of the Church. The world needs our witness to God’s plan for the unity, reconciliation and peace of the whole human family.”
The Pope encouraged us to ‘ask the Lord to enable us, and Christians everywhere, to work to overcome our tensions and divisions’ and as St Paul bids us, ‘to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace’ and to ‘cherish the harmony which the same Spirit creates from the richness of our diversity.’