BY Ian Dunn | September 19 | 0 COMMENTS

Avoid the ‘scandal of being airport bishops,’ Pope advises
Holy Father speaks to a group of newly appointed bishops about staying connected to their congregations and about the ‘spiritual adultery’ of careerism, calling it a ‘form of cancer’
Pope Francis has reminded bishops their first priority must be their own geographical flock and that they must avoid the ‘scandal of being airport bishops’ travelling from place to place.
The Holy Father today said that bishops must ‘tend to the flock of God that is in your charge.’ He made the comments while speaking this morning to a group of newly appointed bishops participating in a congress organised by the Congregation for Bishops and the Congregation for the Eastern Churches.
“May these words of St Peter be carved in the heart!” he said. “We are called and made shepherds not by ourselves, but by the Lord, and not to serve ourselves, but rather to serve the flock entrusted to our care, to serve to the extent of offering our lives, like Christ, the Good Shepherd.”
The Holy Father also took the opportunity to warn them to not fall into the snare of careerism.
“We shepherds are not men with the psychology of princes—ambitious men, who espouse this Church while awaiting another, more beautiful and richer,” he explained. “But this is a scandal! Imagine that a man confesses, saying, ‘I am married and I live with my wife, but I continually look at a woman who is more beautiful than her; is this a sin, Father?’ The Gospel tells us that this is the sin of adultery. Is there such thing as ‘spiritual adultery?’ I don’t know, think about it yourselves. Do not await another more beautiful, more important, richer Church. Do not fall into the trap of careerism! It is a form of cancer!”
Pope Francis said he and the Church expected bishops to remain with their flock and not seek any change or promotion.
“Espouse your community, be profoundly bonded to it!,” the Pope said concluding his address. “I beg you, please, to stay among your people. Avoid the scandal of being ‘airport bishops!’”
Pic: Pope Francis has advised newly appointed bishops that the flock entrusted to their care is their top priority, not travel or careerism. The Holy Father is required to travel (above he is seen heading to WYD in Rio) as Pope but he is also Bishop of Rome