August 13 | 0 COMMENTS

Season opener for the St Mungo Singers on Sunday
A sung Mass at St Leo’s Church, Dumbreck this Sunday starts a busy period for the singers based in Glasgow Archdiocese
A sung Mass at St Leo’s Church, Dumbreck, this Sunday will mark the beginning of another season of service for the St Mungo Singers in Glasgow Archdiocese.
For a number of years, the singers have been welcomed to many Church, archdiocesan, civic, ecumenical and educational events, and this year’s schedule promises to be busier than ever.
Prior to the group’s Christmas commitments, the singers will take part in a concert at St Thomas’ Church, Riddrie, in September and the Archdiocesan Autumn Music Conference in October, before enjoying a full schedule of events marking the feast day of Scotland’s patron saint, St Andrew, on November 30.
Many choir members are also looking forward to a trip to Italy at the beginning of October, during which they will visit Monte Cassino, Naples and the Amalfi coast.
“Choirs have always been important in the Church’s liturgical life for a variety of reasons, not least because of their ability to lead the congregation, to enrich it with descant and harmony, and to facilitate the introduction of fresh repertoire, as well as to sing its own special parts—without inhibiting either the full, conscious and active participation of everyone else or holding up the smooth flow of the celebration,” Mgr Gerry Fitzpatrick, director of the St Mungo Singers, said.
Friends and prospective new members are invited to attend this Sunday’s Mass, which will begin at 7pm at St Leo’s.