July 31 | 0 COMMENTS

Knights pledge loyalty to country’s new archbishop
The Knights of St Columba, Britain’s leading organisation for Catholic laymen, have pledged ‘absolutely loyalty’ to Mgr Leo Cushley (above), the new Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh.
Ron Lynch, the Order’s Supreme Knight, said the new Archbishop (above), whose appointment was announced last week, could count on his men.
“The Knights of St Columba have dedicated themselves to support the Holy Father, the Hierarchy and Clergy. Mgr Cushley, when he takes up his post in September, can count on our absolute loyalty,” he said. “We in the Knights of St Columba wish him well and assure him of our prayers and all possible support in the challenging times ahead.”
Mr Lynch also said Mgr Cushley faced a challenging job, but was the right man for the role.
“As Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh he faces a delicate task in rebuilding morale, both within his clergy and laity.
“It may take all his considerable experience, gained at both pastoral and senior Vatican diplomatic level, to restore the Catholic Church’s moral authority in Scotland.
The Epsicopal ordination of Mgr Cushley will take place on September 21 in Edinburgh.
— Hugh McLoughlin believes that the new archbishop’s gifts and experience will serve him well, see this Friday’s SCO.
—Pic: Paul McSherry