June 12 | 0 COMMENTS

God’s goodness is greater than evil
CRISTINA MARINI reports on the Pope’s general audience today
Pilgrims gathered at St Peter’s Square today heards Pope Francis discuss the mission of the Church and the People of God during his weekly general audience.
Pope Francis spoke about what it means to be People of God, stating that the invitation is open to all of us as it is God who summons us and it is God who ‘desires all people to be saved’ (1 Tim 2:4).
“Our mission is to be a leaven of the hope born of God’s love in our world wounded by sin and evil,” he said. “Amid the darkness that so frequently surrounds us, we are called to be so many points of light, illumining all reality and showing the way to a better future. God’s goodness is stronger than any evil! Our destination is the Kingdom of God which Christ inaugurated on earth and which will attain its fullness in the joy of heaven.
The People of God is not an exclusive or an elite group as Jesus told the apostles to ‘make disciples of all nations,’ he said, adding those who feel that they are not close to God or the Church, or are fearful or indifferent, and believe that they can no longer change are still invited to be People of God. God calls us all with respect and love.
Pope Francis then spoke of how we can be a member of God’s People. He said that it can be achieved through a new birth, rather than a physical birth as in the Gospel, Jesus said that to enter the Kingdom of God, we must be born from above—of water and of spirit (cf. John 3: 3-5).“This is what it means for the Church to be God’s People, an essential part of his loving plan for our human family. May the Church always be a place where everyone can encounter God’s mercy and feel welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged to live the good life of the Gospel.”
The Holy Father also spoke of the ‘wars’ that occur between Christians, families and neighbourhoods. In response, we must pray to the Lord and pray for those who we argue with or dislike. This is a big step in the law of love.
The ultimate goal of the people is full communion with the Lord, to enter his divine life where we will live in the joy of his love without measure, Pope Francis said, adding that this is full joy.