BY Ian Dunn | March 19 | 0 COMMENTS

Pope Francis’ message of hope, service of the poor and protection
Holy Father calls simply for all mankind to be protectors in his homily at his inauguration Mass
Pope Francis called for all mankind to protect the earth and each other at the inauguration Mass of his ministry at 266th Pontiff.
In his homily the new Pope called on ‘all men and women of goodwill’ to be ‘protectors of creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment.’
“Let us not allow omens of destruction and death to accompany the advance of this world,” he said. “But to be ‘protectors,’ we also have to keep watch over ourselves! Let us not forget that hatred, envy and pride defile our lives! Being protectors, then, also means keeping watch over our emotions, over our hearts, because they are the seat of good and evil intentions: intentions that build up and tear down! We must not be afraid of goodness or even tenderness!”
He asked those listening to be light and hope to the world.
At the start of Mass the Pope was formally inaugurated as Holy Father receiving the Fisherman’s Ring and pallium symbolising his new papal authority.
The pallium is a strip of lambswool that represents the Pope’s role as a shepherd and the Fisherman’s Ring is named in honour of the first pope St Peter.
Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the dean of the College of Cardinals, intoned the rite of inauguration at the start of the Mass, saying: “The Good Shepherd charged Peter to feed his lambs and his sheep; today you succeed him as the bishop of this church.”
The ceremony is being held in a sunny St Peter’s Square before tens of thousands of people, including 132 world leaders.
Before the lavish ceremony started, Pope Francis toured a packed St Peter’s Square, kissing babies and blessing a disabled man.
-Homily in full, click here.