BY Ian Dunn | January 25 | 0 COMMENTS

Global day of prayer for the Holy Land
3000 cities to join 24 hours of continuous prayer during the Fifth International Day of Intercession for Peace in Holy Land on Sunday, an event backed by Pope Benedict XVI
Catholics in 3000 cities around the world will pray for peace in the Holy Land as part of the Fifth International Day of intercession on Sunday. The cities taking part, 500 more than last year, have expressed their commitment to participate in these 24 hours of continuous prayer.
For the past five years, Catholics around the world have been joining Pope Benedict XVI in encouraging all people ‘to take bold decisions in favour of peace and put an end to a conflict with negative repercussions throughout the Middle Eastern region, troubled by too many fights and in need of peace and reconciliation.’
The International Day of Intercession for Peace in Holy Land was originally requested by Catholic youth associations, and, according to the organisers, ‘has become over the years a sign and inspiration for those who really want to grow this strong desire that in Jesus’ land peace and justice reign, which may be a sign of unity and growth throughout the world.’
This year event comes at the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and coincides with International Day in memory of the victims of the Holocaust and prevention of crimes against humanity and the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau.
—To join the day, send an email to [email protected] communicating the city, the name of the church and the time of the observation.
PIC – Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem.