January 16 | 0 COMMENTS

Join Knights in battle against bids to legalise euthanasia
St Alphonsus Church in Glasgow is the venue for Knights of St Columba Weekend for Life events this weekend to oppose assisted suicide and euthanasia
The Knights of St Columba have organised a series of special events this weekend, at St Alphonsus Church in London Road, Glasgow, to pray and organise opposition to politicians’ attempts to legalise euthanasia.
Tom Knight, a spokesman for the order, said the Weekend for Life was organised in response to the renewed effort by Margo MacDonald MSP (above), to bring a bill before the Scottish Parliament to legalise euthanasia and the intention of Lord Falconer to bring a similar piece of legislation to the House of Lords later this month.
The weekend will begin with a Mass at St Alphonsus at 7.30 pm on Friday (January 18) and will continue on the Saturday with a Day of Adoration and Reflection from 10am to 4pm.
Mr Knight said his order had taken this action to bring the dangers of the assisted suicide proposals to the attention of as many people as possible and hoped the weekend services would be well attended.
“The Knights of St Columba reaffirm the right to life from conception to natural death and invite our brothers and sisters in faith to pray that our politicians uphold these sacred values,” he said.