BY Ian Dunn | November 2 | 1 COMMENT

Bigotry award for Cardinal O’Brien is mark of ‘intolerance’
‘Gay rights’ organisation’s decision to label Scotland’s senior Catholic clergyman a ‘bigot’ condemned by the Church
A ‘gay rights’ group’s decision to brand Cardinal Keith O’Brien ‘Bigot of the Year’ for his strong defence of traditional marriage is a sign of their ‘intolerant and intimidatory tactics.’
A spokesman for the Catholic Church in Scotland has reacted with shock and disappointment over last night’s Stonewall award.
“Stonewall’s decision to award their ‘Bigot of the Year’ award to Cardinal O’Brien reveals the depth of their intolerance and their willingness to attack and demean those who don’t share their views,” Peter Kearney, the director of the Scottish Catholic Media Office, said. “Stonewall and others have promoted terms like ‘bigot’ and ‘homophobe’ relentlessly, in order to intimidate and vilify anyone who dares oppose their agenda. It is an agenda which the wider public does not endorse and which their excessive language has undermined.”
Mr Kearney said the cardinal’s defence of traditional marriage had earned him the enmity of ‘gay rights’ lobbying groups and it was worrying that such groups received public funding.
“Numerous public bodies give sizeable financial donations to Stonewall, including the Scottish Government,” he said. “These intolerant and intimidatory tactics should mean that this funding is now questioned and examined as a matter of urgency.”
God bless Cardinal O’Brien and the good work he does