BY Ian Dunn | October 5 | 1 COMMENT

No further Vatican—SSPX talks on reintegration
“We cannot give away the Catholic Faith in negotiations,” the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith says
The head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) has said the Vatican plans no further talks planned with the Society of Saint Pius X on its reintegration into the Church.
Archbishop Gerhard Mueller (above), who took up his post as head of the CDF in July, said in an interview with German Radio to be broadcast on Saturday, that the Church could not negotiate away the fundamentals of the Catholic Faith.
His comments were the first in recent months from the Vatican on talks meant to reintegrate the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) into the Church after a 21-year schism over their opposition to the reforms of the Second Vatican Council.
In recent weeks, SSPX leaders have indicated a two-year series of talks with the Vatican had hit an impasse because of Rome’s insistence that they accept reforms of the 1962-1965 Second Vatican Council, The SSPX cannot accept this requirement.
“We cannot give away the Catholic Faith in negotiations,” Archbishop Mueller said according to a pre-broadcast report. “There will be no compromises here, I think there now will be no new discussions.”
Pope Benedict XVI and the CDF, which the pontiff led for over two decades under Pope John Paul II, will now have to decide what to do next with the SSPX, Archbishop Mueller said.
I think more effort should be made to heal divisions within the church. We seem to put more energy into tackling the divisions between ouselves and other non-catholic and even non-christian groups than we do internally. Even to the point of taking part in some questionable events under the banner of echumenism.
What little I know about the SSPX suggests that the differences of opinion are far less of a gulf than those with other christian groups.
Maybe political correctness is guiding the church these days. We come down heavy on dissenting voices within the church but we dare not say anything that might upset other faiths – even if it is the truth.