September 21 | 0 COMMENTS

Cardinal O’Brien to attend Edinburgh’s 2012 Romero lecture
His Eminence, a patron of the Archbishop Romero Trust, is attending Jan Graffius's talk on Blood and Sweat: the Witness of Romero’s Relics on Monday at Sacred Heart (Jesuit) Church in the capital, JAMIE McGOWAN reports
Cardinal Keith O’Brien, a patron of the Archbishop Romero Trust, will attend the 2012 annual Romero lecture in Edinburgh on Monday. The lectures, which are organised by the Romero Trust, will take place next week in Edinburgh, York and in Southwark, London.
The Archbishop Romero Trust is an organisation to raise awareness and to celebrate the life of the ‘modern martyr’ (above), who was a well-known for promoting and supporting social justice in Latin American countries.
The 2012 UK lectures, taking place from September 24-27, will be given by Jan Graffius, the curator at Stonyhurst College. Her talk is entitled Blood and Sweat: the Witness of Romero’s Relics.
The lectures will explore the events of the archbishop’s life and death. Ms Graffius has worked with the organisation to ensure to proper conservation in preservation of Romero’s relics.
The events will take place at first at the Sacred Heart (Jesuit) Church in Edinburgh, the Bar Convent in York, and, finally, in St George’s Cathedral in Southwark.
Monday September 24 at 7.00pm
Lauriston Jesuit Centre
Sacred Heart Church
Tuesday September 25 at 7.00pm
The Bar Convent
YO24 1AQ
Thursday September 27 at 7.00pm
Amigo Hall
St George’s Cathedral,
Southwark SE1 7HY
-For more information visit