BY Ian Dunn | September 19 | 0 COMMENTS

Petition shows opposition to same-sex ‘marriage’ is being ignored
An online petition opposing plans to legalise same-sex ‘marriage’ that has gathered more than 30,000 signatures is further evidence of that opposition to any change in the definition of marriage is being ignored, according to a spokesman for Scotland’s bishops.
The Scottish Government announced in July that it plans to bring in legislation to allow same-sex ‘marriage’ despite serious opposition from the Catholic Church and other groups. The petition was set up by Scotland For Marriage, an umbrella group formed to fight changes to marriage laws, of which the Catholic Church is a member.
Peter Kearney, director of the Scottish Catholic Media Office, said the Government’s determination to carry on with their plans in the face of such widespread opposition was evidence of a ‘democratic deficit.’
“Again we are seeing the democratic views being voiced but, sadly, ignored,” he said. “With the SNP Government’s same-sex marriage consultation resulting in 64 per cent of contributors opposing marriage re-definition, but with its announcement that they are going to carry on with this social experiment anyway, it really does seem there is a democratic deficit in modern Scotland.”
“The Scottish Government has angered the public by ignoring them and pressing on with plans to meddle with marriage,” a Scotland For Marriage spokesman said. “No wonder our petition has now climbed above 30,000 since the Government said it will snub the results of its own public consultation. The politicians should be very aware. This issue isn’t going away. The public isn’t going away. We’re not going away. Our campaign is going from strength to strength as the implications of redefining marriage on everyday lives becomes more widely understood.”
The petition states that marriage is the union of one man and one woman and offers ‘the best environment for raising children. “ It also says that same-sex couples already have full legal rights through civil partnerships.
A Scottish Government spokeswoman said the SNP were determined to press on with same-sex ‘marriage.’
“The Scottish Government is committed to a Scotland that is fair and equal and that is why we intend to proceed with plans to allow same-sex marriage and religious ceremonies for civil partnerships. All views have been taken into account in coming to this decision,” they said. “Our next consultation, due later this year, will seek views on protections in areas such as religious freedom, education and freedom of speech.”
Pic: Cardinal Keith O’Brien (left) has advised Alex Salmond’s (right) government on the Church teaching on marriage