BY Bridget Orr | August 6 | 0 COMMENTS

Put Jesus before materialism, Holy Father urges
Pope Benedict XVI has called on Catholics to put their belief in eternal life through God over materialistic desires.
“Jesus wants to help people move beyond the immediate satisfaction of their material needs, although they are important too,” the Pope said during his Angelus at Castel Gandolfo yesterday.
“He wants to open a horizon of existence which is not simply that of the daily concerns of eating, dressing and career.”
The Pope described how Faith in Jesus gave ‘full meaning and firm hope’ to life, in his discussion of that day’s Gospel from the Book of John where Jesus proclaimed himself the ‘Bread of Life” and told people to work for ‘the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you.’
He then compared how the faith that sustained believers during their journey of faith with the manna given to the Israelites in the desert, but said that Jesus does not just ‘give something’ but ‘gives himself’ through Holy Communion.
“Let us put our Faith in him, and let us put our trust in his promises, so that we may have life in abundance,” the Pope said, concluding his address.