May 8 | 0 COMMENTS

How do we best share the Gospel with young people?
Archbishop Nichols, president of the Bishops Conference of England and Wales, gives keynote address at the XII European Congress for Catechesis
The challenge of forming children and teenagers in the faith was at the heart Archbishop Vincent Nichols’ keynote address the opening session of the XII European Congress for Catechesis yesterday.
Archbishop Nichols (above), president of the Bishops Conference of England and Wales, spoke of the ‘intuitive sense of hope’ of young people and their ‘desire to know and discover the underlying patterns and purpose of their existence and experiences.’
Archbishop Nichols gave the address on the first day of the four-day meeting in Rome this week that has been organised by the Council of European Bishops Conferences CCEE. The archbishop is president of the CCEE commission for catechesis.
The Congress for Catechesis focused on the theme of Christian initiation in the context of the New Evangelisation, with particular attention to children and young people aged from 7 to 16.
“The work of the commission covers this great journey of faith: in the task of schools, in the experience of university life and, throughout life, in the task of continuing catechesis.” Archbishop Nichols said. “So the theme of this Congress is very central to our overall view: how do we best share the Gospel in Christian initiation with youngsters in these crucial years?”
The archbishop’s address was not without it lighter moments, however. He recalled as youth workers for the key to youth formation in the faith.
“Visiting a parish in Birmingham, a few years ago now, I met with a man who had spent many years in Catholic youth work and was renowned for his success in it,” he said. “I asked him two questions and I remember clearly the answers he gave. My first question was: What is the key advice you would give to those in the Church working with young people today? His answer: ‘Try to keep the age groups separate; they are so different’. My second question was this: ‘What was your most successful activity for the young people?’ His answer: ‘Ballroom dancing!’”
The archbishop also spoke of the upcoming Year of faith.
“Some are also looking to this Year as an opportunity of refreshing the work of parish catechists, those who work directly with the age groups of children and young people on whom we are focusing,” he said. “I am sure you will have your own ideas and plans for this Year of Faith and we will be guided and stimulated by the many ideas and proposals being put forward at this time by the Congregations and Offices here in Rome.
“Central to this work for the Year of Faith is the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the arrival of the 20th Anniversary of its publication.”