March 23 | 0 COMMENTS

Apostolic nuncio coming to Scotland
Archbishop Antonio Mennini will arrive in Edinburgh and be formally greeted at a reception at the Signet Library in Edinburgh on Saturday evening.
The following day the nuncio will join members of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, including Cardinal Keith O’Brien and Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow, for Sunday Mass on the 7th anniversary of the elevation of the Holy Father.
The Mass will be celebrated by Cardinal O’Brien and the Scottish bishops at 11.30 am at St Mary’s Cathedral in the capital and Archbishop Conti will give the homily.
The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, meeting in Edinburgh next week, is awaiting news on new appointments to a number of dioceses where incumbent bishops have reached or passed the age of retirement or have asked to retire for health reasons. These include Glasgow Archdiocese and Dunkeld Diocese. News on the appointment of an auxiliary bishop for St Andrews and Edinburgh Archdiocese is also pending.
Pic: Paul McSherry. Cardinal Keith O’Brien and Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow are seen above with Archbishop Antonio Mennini at the reopening of St Andrew’s Cathedral in Glasgow last year