February 29 | 3 COMMENTS

Glasgow Archbishop’s ‘deep concern’ over abortion ruling
Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow is ‘deeply concerned’ by today’s Court of Session ruling against the right of midwives to conscientiously object to supervising abortions.
This morning Judge Lady Smith today rejected the case brought by Catholic midwives Mary Doogan, 57, and Concepta Wood, 51, who hold supervisory positions in the labour ward of Glasgow’s Southern General Hospital. The women claimed that being made to oversee staff involved in abortions was a breach of their human rights.
The archbishop, in whose Archdiocese’s is home to the Southern General Hospital, said: “I view this judgement with deep concern. I wish to put on record my admiration for the courage of the midwives who have, at very great cost to themselves, fought to uphold the right to follow one’s conscience. It is fundamental to the functioning of society that all citizens act in accordance with an informed conscience.
“Any law or judgement which fails to recognise this contradicts that most basic freedom and duty which we all have as human beings, namely to follow our conscience and act accordingly.”
He added that any ‘assault on this principle undermines the very basis of the law itself and society’s moral cohesion, which the law should seek to guarantee.’
Pic: Paul McSherry
I am saddened by this story. This is just another example of religious freedoms being trampled in the name of secularism.
I am heartened by this story. This is just another example of claims to religious privilege being put in their place in the name of equality.
We Catholics are gradually being made dhimmis in the land of our birth. We are being tolerated only for the tax revenue that the Government obtains from us.