BY Ian Dunn | January 6 2012 | 0 COMMENTS

Making the call for charitable giving
Publication Date: 2012-01-06
— Bishop Emeritus Moran asks Scottish Catholics to dig deep for Justice and Peace in 2012
Bishop Emeritus Peter Moran has called on Scottish Catholics to open their hearts and wallets to Justice and Peace in 2012.
The bishop (right), who retired as Bishop of Aberdeen last year but remains president of the Scottish Justice and Peace Commission, made the call in a letter to be read out in all Scottish parishes this Sunday, the feast of the Epiphany.
Wise men’s gifts
In his letter, the bishop said that the feast day marked the close of the Christmas season ‘by remembering the gifts the Wise Men brought to the infant Jesus.’
“The values of the world were turned upside down as wealth and power fell down and worshipped a poor and vulnerable little child,” according to the bishop. “The values of the powerful and selfish could only reassert themselves with the violence that would stalk the life of Jesus, from Herod’s massacre to the crucifixion brought about by those who felt their self interest threatened.”
Scottish parishioners are to be asked to contribute to a special collection for Justice and Peace on Sunday ‘to help the commission and diocesan justice and peace structures to carry out their work of confronting injustice at home in Scotland and throughout the world.’
Charitable giving
Bishop Moran said that the act of giving was a vital part of faith.
“True giving is a sign of a healthy balance of relationship, in ourselves and with others,” he writes. “We give because we want to, not because we have to. Yet that does not mean that there is no sacrifice: quite the opposite. While giving may well involve money or gifts—as we know too—it also changes us and brings us into a better harmony with God’s creation. We become more aware of those who live without life’s basic needs and whose dignity is impaired. We find ourselves unsettled by human inequality, at home and abroad. We are more sensitive to the abuse of wealth and power for personal gain at the expense of others.”
The bishop’s letter also warns of the dangers of not giving to others.
“The opposite of giving is selfishness, holding on to what we have, by force if necessary,” he writes. “And selfishness is at the root of poverty, war and ignorance, the great social evils. The Gospel calls us to give up this selfishness and practise true charity. True charity is the God-infused love that wants everyone to have life to the full. True charity is rooted in justice—giving people their due. Without that justice there is no true peace. Charity then is the measure of our responsibility as mature Christians.
“It is at the heart of what Pope Benedict has called the New Evangelisation, of opening ourselves to bring others the gift of the Gospel, truly a gift worth giving.”
— Anyone can receive a free sample copy of the Justice and Peace Magazine during January, to receive it or further details about organising Justice and Peace in the parish contact the National Office on 0141-333-0238