October 25 | 0 COMMENTS

Director of music on new Missal translation
Mgr Gerry Fitzpatrick (above), Glasgow's archdiocesan director of music, has produced a podcast to help parishes and choirs with the transition to the New English translation of the Roman Missal.
The parish priest at St Leo’s, Dumbreck, a director of the St Mungo singers, believes the introduction of the new translation—which has begun in Scottish parishes and will come fully into affect at the beginning of Advent next month—is not as difficult as the launch its predecessor, the Missal of Paul 6th because this time ‘we are not starting from scratch.’
On the subject of Mass settings he said: “Settings of the new texts will gradually replace the current settings of the previous texts—though many composers have been able to re-write parts of their settings—but it would surely be foolish to lose repertoire, the tools of participation, before we can replace it..”
To listen to the podcast click here.