BY Ian Dunn | July 21 2011 | 0 COMMENTS print
Safety fears for deported Glasgow parishioner
Publication Date: 2011-07-21
St Michael’s parish councillor: “It makes me ashamed to be British.”
Parishioners at St Michael’s parish in Parkhead, Glasgow, were left devastated last night after a member of their congregation was deported to Nigeria.
They now fear John Oguchukwu (above), 34, could face death in the African country, which he left nine years ago after his parents and sister were killed.
“It is desperate,” Joe Reilly, a St Michael’s parish councillor, said. “I’m afraid we will never see him again now.”
Mr Oguchukwu, was flown to Lagos from Stanstead airport at 11.20 last night and his friends in Glasgow are now anxiously waiting for any word from him.
Earlier in the day parishioners from St Michael’s and students from Glasgow University, where Mr Oguchukwu was studying, had protested outside the UK border agency’s offices in Glasgow but a representative from the agency declined to meet with them.
Mr Reilly said the mood was now very low amongst all those who had campaigned to keep John in Glasgow.
“Disgust is not the word,” he said. “All we know is that for nine years very nice young man who lived all the rules and was a part of our lives is now gone. It makes me ashamed to be British.”