BY Ian Dunn | November 28 2014 | comments icon 0 COMMENTS     print icon print


Galloway’s bishop-elect in prayer call

Fr William Nolan, ‘gobsmacked’ over Pope Francis’ appointment, asks for parishioners to pray for him

The bishop-elect of Galloway Diocese has said he was ‘gobsmacked’ to be appointed, but is ‘trusting the Holy Spirit’ as he asked for prayers ahead of his Episcopal ordination.

Pope Francis appointed Fr William Nolan—vicar general of Motherwell—as Bishop of Galloway at the weekend.

Bishop-elect Nolan, 60, who served in the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes, East Kilbride, for 20 years, will take over from Bishop John Cunningham, who is 76, one year past the retirement age for diocesan bishops.

The new bishop (above), who will be installed for Galloway on February 14 next year, spoke of his complete surprise at being told he was called to be the new bishop of Galloway.

“I was asked to go down to London to meet the nuncio,” he told the SCO. “When he told me Pope Francis wanted me to be the new bishop I felt quite overwhelmed but I do already know some of the clergy and I look forward to working with them and with the people of the diocese to help the Faith flourish in the land where Ninian planted the seeds of Faith so long ago,”

He said he was glad that his ordination as bishop would not be until February as it would give him time to meet the people and clergy of Galloway first.

“I wasn’t chosen because I am an expert on Galloway Diocese,” he said. “I’m starting from a place of ignorance so the first thing will be to go and meet the people and find out what they have to say but the essential problems the Church faces there are the same it faces everywhere. I wish to serve the diocese as best I can, but knowing I am hindered by my failings and weaknesses, I ask everyone to pray for me.”

He also paid tribute to his parishioners and said that he would miss Motherwell Diocese but added that his parishioners were delighted for him.

“They’ve offered many congratulations, which is very nice,” he said. “It will be a wrench to leave so many friends behind. Perhaps being a bishop will be a lonelier path.”

Bishop Cunningham, the outgoing Bishop of Galloway, said he was ‘delighted’ with the appointment.

“I leave my role as Bishop of Galloway confident in my successor, and can assure him that the people and the priests of Galloway Diocese will offer him every support,” Bishop Cunningham said.

Fr William McFadden—vicar general of Galloway Diocese—said he and the priests of the diocese welcomed the appointment of Fr Nolan and would support him in every way. He spoke, however, of serious challenges ahead.

Embracing Change, the Galloway diocesan pastoral plan for the future, states that, due to demographic changes, ‘there must be changes: changes in mindset, in expectations and in structures.’ It also states that the number of priests and laity attending Mass in the last 20 years has effectively halved.





—Read the full version of this story in Nov 28 edition of the SCO in parishes from Friday.

Pic: Paul McSherry


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