BY Ian Dunn | December 13 2013 | 0 COMMENTS

New bishop for Dunkeld
Publication Date: 2013-12-13
Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Stephen Robson as the new Bishop of Dunkeld.
Bishop Robson (above right) said he was ‘deeply honoured to have been chosen by Pope Francis’ for this role.
“Dunkeld is a beautiful diocese set in the heart of Scotland and I look forward to living and working there, getting to know the clergy, religious and laity and accompanying them on their Christian journey,” he said. “I look forward to trying to build up the People of God in the Faith and in the confidence of being Catholic in a challenging world. I look forward especially to helping the young and families to live the Gospel and to serve Christ in the Church. A big priority must also be to encourage vocations to the priesthood and religious life.”
Bishop Robson, currently Auxiliary Bishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh Archdiocese, will replace Bishop Emeritus Vincent Logan (above left), whose resignation on the grounds of ill health was accepted in June 2012. Both Bishop Robson and Bishop Logan were present for the announcement at the diocesan pastoral centre in Dundee on Wednesday morning.
Welcoming the appointment of his successor, Bishop Logan said he was ‘delighted’ by the news.
“I offer Bishop Stephen my warmest congratulations on his appointment and assure him of my prayers and support as he prepares to begin his ministry in the Diocese of Dunkeld,” he said.
Archbishop Leo Cushley, Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh, within whose Metropolitan See Dunkeld falls, said the announcement was good news for the Scottish Church.
“In my brief time in Edinburgh, I have learned of a widespread affection and respect for him as a person and as a priest, and I will miss his wise counsel, energy and hard work at the service of the archdiocese,” he said.
Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow, president of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, also congratulated Bishop Robson.
“I am very pleased for Bishop Stephen and for the Diocese of Dunkeld,” he said. “I wish him every blessing in his new responsibilities.”
Since Bishop Logan stepped down, Canon Basil O’Sullivan has been serving as diocesan administrator of Dunkeld.
Though he could not be present on Wednesday, his delegate, Mgr Ken McCaffrey, gave the bishop a warm welcome.
Bishop Robson, who has been auxiliary bishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh since June 9 2012, will bring a wide range of clerical experience to the role.
In addition to serving at several parishes in St Andrews and Edinburgh he also spent the best part of a decade from 1998 as spiritual director of the Scots College in Rome.
He is also well versed in the challenges facing the Church in Dunkeld and beyond.
“[Some say] the Church is a mess,” he told the SCO last year after he was ordained a bishop.
“But the whole world is a mess, and yet in the middle of the mess is God and that is what the incarnation is all about. That God became a human being and came into the world in order to redeem it.”
—This story ran in full in the December 13 edition print of the SCO, available in parishes.