BY Ian Dunn | August 2 2013 | 0 COMMENTS

Do not be afraid, go out and serve
Publication Date: 2013-08-02
— A message of evangelisation at WYD closing Mass; 2016 youth gathering will take place in Krakow, Poland
Pope Francis told three million young people to leave Rio and ‘take the Gospel to everyone’ at the closing Mass of World Youth Day.
“Where does Jesus send us?” the Holy Father asked the millions of pilgrims gathered on Copacabana beach last Sunday. “That there are no borders, no limits: He sends us to everyone.”
After a week of rain, the sun was shining for the closing Mass on the white sands of Rio’s most famous beach, a sign from God that bodes well for the next World Youth day in 2016, which the Pope announced will be held in Krakow, Poland.
Final WYD 2013 message
As the young Catholics from throughout the world prepared to leave Rio, the Pope Francis told them that they must carry their Faith in front of them.
“Sharing the experience of Faith, bearing witness to the Faith, proclaiming the Gospel: This is a command that the Lord entrusts to the whole Church and that includes you,” he said. “What is the Lord saying to us? Three simple ideas: Go, do not be afraid, and serve.”
The World Youth Day participants who received the Pope’s message enthusiastically.
He told them that if they did not share that fervour and their experience of God’s love with others it would be ‘like withholding oxygen from a flame that was burning strongly.’
In his homily, Pope Francis told the young people on Sunday that evangelising requires a personal witness of love for God and love for others, especially the weak, the poor and the defenceless.
Pope Francis said he knew how daunting it can be to recognise that each Christian bears personal responsibility for sharing the Gospel with his or her actions and words, but Jesus told the first disciples and tells disciples today: “Be not afraid.”
“Jesus does not leave us alone; He never leaves you alone,” the Pope said. “Jesus did not say: ‘One of you go,’ but ‘all of you go,’ we are sent together. Be creative. Be audacious. Do not be afraid.”
Papal thanks
Pope Francis thanked the hundreds of bishops and thousands of priests who accompanied their young pilgrims to Rio, but told them the pilgrimage was just one step on the young people’s journey of Faith.
He then gave the younger generation a final instruction, ‘as you return to your homes, do not be afraid to be generous with Christ, to bear witness to His Gospel.’
“It can change the world,” he said. “Bringing the Gospel is bringing God’s power to pluck up and break down evil and violence, to destroy and overthrow the barriers of selfishness, intolerance and hatred.”
A young Scottish pilgrim from Falkirk said the final Mass had been truly ‘spectacular’ and a fitting end to an incredible event.
“This really has been the trip of a lifetime,” the young Scot said. “We have seen and done so much, met some amazing people and made memories we will never forget.”
At the conclusion of the final Mass of Rio’s World Youth Day, Pope Francis announced that the Polish city of Kraków will host the Papal youth gathering in 2016. Upon hearing the Pope’s words, young pilgrims from Poland shouted joyfully, waving red and white Polish flags.
— Scotland’s Rio, click here.
—Pope’s frank conversation with journalists on plane home from WYD, click here..
— Special SCO WYD section on Scotland’s pilgrims in Brazil coming soon
—This story ran in full in the August 2 edition print of the SCO, available in parishes