BY No Author | September 24 2010 | 0 COMMENTS

Pope’s spokesman declares UK visit a success
Publication Date: 2010-09-24
Pope Benedict XVI’s four-day trip to Britain receives a glowing report from the Vatican for the spirituality on show by UK pilgrims
POPE Benedict XVI took a well earned rest day at the Papal Summer Residence at Castelgandolfo after completing a four day visit to the UK, a visit that his spokesman Fr Federico Lombardi, hailed as ‘an extraordinary success.’
Speaking in Birmingham on Sunday, just before the Holy Father left for Rome shortly before 7pm, Fr Lombardi referred to the ‘spiritual success’ of the Pope’s visit.
“We’re all convinced that this has been a huge success, not so much from the viewpoint of the numbers which there were, mind you, but from the very real and strong sense that people were listening and that the Pope’s message had been received with joy and respect by the Faithful. This was a marvelous trip during which hundreds of thousands of people saw, heard and met the pope,” the Vatican spokesman said.
Lasting impression
On the Holy Father’s impression on the UK, he said that the fact that thousands of people have met him and that many more have seen and heard him is a testament to just ‘how good the trip has been.’
The Pope’s message about the positive contribution of Catholics and the Christian faith to society have been ‘received very well,’ added the spokesman, saying that this was ‘one of the most important points of his message for society in general here.’
Pope’s message
Fr Lombardi referred to the Pope’s words on the plane to Scotland to better describe the visit. In the air on the way to Edinburgh, he said he was not going to the UK for the ‘success’ of the Church, but came instead to ‘be transparent for Jesus Christ’ and promote the service of the Christian faith in the society and the world.
“In a sense I think that if the Pope is happy he’s not happy because there are big crowds but because we have the clear demonstration that many, many people were listening with profound interest to what the Pope had to say and demonstrated joy in listening to him and to his message,” he explained. “I think this is the way in which we can speak of success, it’s ‘spiritual’ success. Not only in crowds or impressive moments here, but it’s what is behind this, that is, ‘heart to heart.’ There are hearts and minds that understand what the message is.”
Comparisons with 1982
Asked to compare it to Pope John Paul II’s visit in 1982, he said that Pope Benedict XVI’s trip has taken place in a different time and context than his predecessor’s. But, he added, a positive comparison is seen in the ‘wonderful reception that the two Popes have received.’
Fr Lombardi said he has often heard of the great enthusiasm for John Paul II’s trip and noted talk that this time ‘it was going to be different.’
“But, I think that this time it was practically the same thing!” he said. “If a Pope comes, we see that the people of the United Kingdom are interested, not indifferent, Catholics in particular, but all people.”
“It is very, very positive, this possibility for the Popes to speak and to bring their message, and also I will repeat what I already said yesterday,” he added. “If there are critics, if there are demonstrations against the Pope, this is for us and for the Pope, normal, and this is also a positive sign of the freedom of expression in this society.
“We have seen that there were critics, but we have seen more times that there were people who were happy and, in this sense, we find that it was very, very positive, the way in which the Pope and his collaborators have been received here.”